GIS Cemetery Mapping - Featured Maps

We deliver web-based, dynamic, searchable cemetery maps
Our GIS cemetery mapping process provides our clients with a custom, interactive burial plot map of the cemetery on the Esri ArcGIS platform using GPS and photographic data collected onsite.
The cemetery burial plot map is enabled with robust search capability by incorporating legible gravestone inscriptions and veteran status into the attribute information for each interred individual, and cartographic design principles are used to result in an informative and visually appealing cemetery map.
Key deliverables from our GIS cemetery mapping process include:
The finished burial plot map is made available to the client via URL/online access and will be accessible from any device that has internet access.
Print capability will be enabled to facilitate pdf/paper printouts of the cemetery map on demand at various scale settings.
We provide our clients with a URL to share the cemetery map with stakeholders and the public through their website, social media, newsletters, and even with a QR code posted at the cemetery.
In addition, large-format printable architectural size burial plot map will be created and delivered via pdf files