Is Cemetery Ground Penetrating Radar Accurate? gif maker 27

Cemetery ground-penetrating radar, or GPR, is a surveying technique that uses electromagnetic waves to detect and map the subsurface. It has been used for decades – but how accurate are these scans? The Accuracy of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Technology Ground-Penetrating Radar is a highly accurate tool. Ground-penetrating radar can be impacted by external factors, […]

Cemetery GPR Scanning to Map the Future of Your Cemetery

GPR burial plot map

How You Can Use Cemetery GPR Scanning For Future Planning Cemetery GPR Scanning can help you visualize how your cemetery will grow and change over time. GPR (ground penetrating radar) is a great tool for cemetery mapping. GPR can be used to map out existing gravesites, identify potential problems, and plan for the future of […]

Cemetery burial plot map underway in Ritzville

cemetery ground penetrating radar

Burial plot map: In early-June, Scott Field of ViaVista Mapping began collecting field data and generating maps at the Ritzville Memorial Cemetery, a half-mile west of town on Rosenoff Road. Founded concurrent with the town in 1887, the cemetery added “Memorial” to its name after the Great Depression in honor of American veterans. As of Monday morning, […]

Exploring Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Cemeteries

GPR burial plot map

Introduction Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for cemeteries is a non-invasive technology widely used in various fields, including archaeology, geology, and civil engineering. Its application in cemeteries is particularly significant due to its ability to locate unmarked graves, map burial sites, and assist in cemetery management without disturbing the ground. This blog post delves into the […]

Finding Unmarked Burials gif maker 25

Ground penetrating radar for cemeteries Cemeteries are home to a lot of history, with many US cemeteries having been around for hundreds of years. The passage of time affects each cemetery differently. Thanks to meticulous record-keeping and oversight, some historic cemeteries have pristine records. These cemeteries are, unfortunately, the exception and not the rule. The […]

Cemetery GPR Scanning

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Cemetery GPR Scanning? A Brief Guide! Cemetery GPR Scanning – what is it? GPR stands for Ground Penetrating Radar. This technology allows us to scan the ground to see what is hidden beneath the surface. It’s a non-invasive method of detecting objects buried deep in soil, sand, or gravel. Archaeologists and other scientists use cemetery […]