Cemetery Preservation Funding

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Cemetery preservation requires funding which can be a significant challenge for cemetery caretakers. Cemeteries serve as sacred spaces where we honor our departed loved ones and preserve the histories of our communities. Maintaining these spaces, however, requires substantial effort and resources. Different sources of funding for cemetery preservation and maintenance Before embarking on the journey […]

Digital Cemetery Map Benefits

Digital cemetery map

Digital cemetery map streamlines cemetery operations. If deciphering scribbles is something that you don’t want as part of your everyday life any longer, that could be reason enough to migrate your cemetery to an online interactive map. Other than optimizing space and inventory, there are a host of other benefits a digital cemetery map provides: […]

Digital Cemetery Mapping


Digital Cemetery Mapping provides numerous benefits and advantages. Cemetery managers that provide burial plot maps enable their stakeholders to have access to gravesite locations.  Additionally, an accurate cemetery plot map allows cemetery management to have an understanding of how much space is available for future development.  Over time, however, the traditional paper-based static burial plot […]

Finding Unmarked Graves at Cemetery

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Finding unmarked graves in the news as reported by The McDonald County Press. Joyce Haynes of the Shelt Noel Cemetery Board said 46 unmarked graves were recently discovered at the cemetery. The board hired Scott Field of Via Vista Mapping, a GIS web map specialist, to bring ground-penetrating radar to search for unmarked graves. Haynes […]

Cemetery Mapping Services: Let’s get digital

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Cemetery mapping services are transitioning to digital platforms. We are living in age of digitalization, and things around us are increasingly dominated by technology. The world has changed. We work from home, attend school from home, shop from home, and stream movies at home.  Online activities have increased in quantity and popularity.  People are becoming […]